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Kimberly Y


What are good home remedies goopy eyes?

I often get goopy eyes. Does anyone know good home remedies for goopy eyes?
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Answers (3)

  • walksal0ne


    If you wake up with a swollen, goopy eye, it is very likely you have pink eye. Also known as conjunctivitis, pink eye is an infection of the membrane around your eyelid or eyeball. Goopy eyes usually due to dry eyes, allergies, blepharitis and so on. It always let you feel burning in eyes, pain in eyes and redness in eyes. But goopy eyes are not so severe that needs to see a doctor. So several home remedies can help you. First, drink some water with honey which id good to reduce blood pressure, and then the blood vessels will not so prominent. Thus your redness will be slightly. Second, the application of a warm, wet compress can take away some of the discomfort associated with pink eye. Third, try eye drops such as Naphcon-A or Opcon-A that help constrict blood vessels and stop itchiness. Plus, if you get goopy eyes through allergies, apply a cold compress may make you much better.
  • chicomm


    Yes, I do know some good and simple home remedies for goopy eyes. As to goopy eyes, it means excessive gum or secretion in eyes which is uncomfortable and embarrassing. Goopy eyes is propbably caused by heat and toxin accumulated in body or eye infection. In both conditions, the oil glands are stimulated to produce more oil to clean eyes. The oil built up in eyes together with dusts become gum in eyes. I suggest you to wash your eyes with saline water thoroughly to clean your eyes out of the gum and secretion. Apply warm compress on eyes, 4-6 times per day, 10 minutes each time, which is quite helpful for eye infection. Don't rub your eyes with dirty hands or towel. Drink some useful detoxification herb tea, such as chrysanthemum tea, to help reduce inflammation. Have a light diet with more fresh vegetables and fruits. Good luck!
  • Eric quick


    As a matter of fact, goopy eyes is propbably caused by heat and toxin accumulated in body or eye infection. It always let you feel burning, pain and redness or else in eyes. As far as i know, it's quite normal and there are several home remedies to solve the problem. First, drink some water with honey which is good to reduce blood pressure, and then the blood vessels will not so prominent. Thus your symptom will be slightly. Next, apply warm compress on eyes, several times per day, 5 to 10 minutes at most each time, which is quite helpful for eye infection. By the way, don't rub your eyes with dirty hands or towel. Last but not the least, have a light diet with more fresh vegetables and fruits. Keep these tips as habits, and you will see changes soon.

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