Exercise eye muscles in different ways

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Everyone with abnormal eyesight wants to get back clear vision. Until now, a majority of myopic and hyperopic patients get suggestion from eye care practitioners and use Rx glasses or contact lenses. Many people have been wearing glasses for a whole life and never told there is any other way in which they can rebuild eyesight except by undergoing a surgery. In fact, vision-impaired people can try another method, i.e. doing eye exercises. The principle of various eye exercises is eyeball movement.

How eye exercises work?

Eyeball movements such as up-down, right-left are believed to benefit eye health. Seen in eastern dancers’ performance, these movements can help the eye muscles keep healthy and eyeballs in place. Eye muscles are primarily engaged in positioning the eyeball and keeping it in a right place. This is the reason behind the prevalence of eye exercises among young students. Some children are even required to maintain some forms of eye exercises from an early age.

Eye exercises help avoid visual refractive errors

There are many people who believe in the theory that keeping physical use of eye muscles can help avoid refractive visual errors, including nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. These common vision defects are partially because of the eyeball’s contraction or elongation due to chronic tension in the eye muscles. By exercising the eye muscles on a regular basis, this chronic tension can be prevented. There are various ways to exercise the eye muscles.

Stare at a pen from different distances

One of the simple eye exercises is to use a pen and draw the letter E on a piece of paper. Exercisers are required to put the paper near the eye and try to concentrate firstly on the uppermost bar, and then on the lowest bar and finally the center bar. After that, place the paper a few feet away and repeat such a process until the E on the paper is invisible. After that, bring back the pen and start a new round of the above steps.

Wiggle the fingers and note their movements

Another simple eye exercise is to outstretch a hand and wiggle its fingers. The exercisers should try to note the movements of the fingers. The distance between the eyes and the fingers can be simply adjusted according to personal visual ability. This easy exercise can help maintain or improve peripheral vision through stimulating the cells in the eyes.

Imagine circle and oval with the eyes closed

A third eye exercise requires much imagination at the side of exercisers. They can just think there is a pencil attached to the nose. Close the eyes and portrait a circle in the mind. The second step is to contract the imaginary circle into an oval and draw the figure 8 around the oval. This process of imagination actually involves great eyeball movement and the muscles around it.