Myopic Operation Cannot Eradicate but Correct Myopia

March 28th, 2011 by Yaron Cheng Leave a reply »

With the development of surgery technology, the success rate of operation becomes higher and the effect is also getting better and better. However, operation can only make you take off your eyeglasses but not change the fact that you are still myopic.

For instance, if your eye degree is 1,000 before the operation and your naked vision reaches 1.0 after the operation so you don’t need to wear myopic eyeglasses any more. But your eye structure and retina remain in a high myopic condition and all complications such as glaucoma, amotio retinae and so forth may happen. Therefore, don’t think that everything is just fine after the operation even if its effect is ideal.

What’s more, people who have had the myopic operation will feel their visions are lost at evening or when there is a cloudy or rainy day. That is to say the eye’s vision function is recovered but its other functions are still the same as that of the myopia. The vision is corrected, which only means the dioptor of the eye is regulated, but the high visual quality involves astigmation, contrast sensitivity, night vision, tear film stability, etc. For this reason, after the LASIK operation, the contrast sensitivity of the sufferer’s vision will be reduced and the astigmation will be increased.

Apart from what I said above, the experts indicate that the people who have had myopic operation should protect their eyes well from being hit as their corneas become thinner and the compression resistance hereof becomes weaker as well.

Additionally, I want to mention that there are no absolutely safe operations in the world. You should be cautious to choose hospitals and doctors when you prepare to do the LASIK operation. Only if you know the condition of your eyes well to see which kind of laser operation is best for you can you ensure the safety of your eyes.


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