Say Goodbye to Watery Eyes

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We can get watery eyes not only owing to emotional reasons such as sadness and happiness but also due to eye problems such as blocked tear ducts and over-production of tears. Normally, the largest group of sufferers of watery eyes is babies and adults over the age of 60. The alternative names of watery eyes include epiphora and tearing, all of which means an overflow of tears onto the face. The harms of watery eyes can either be big or small. It may simply bring some discomfort to our eyes and it may also make our walking or driving difficult and dangerous. Often we can not get an easy and clear explanation of watery eyes in a superficial manner. However with certain tests and diagnoses we can still have our watery eyes relieved and cured effectively.

Why do eyes water?

Block tear ducts and excessive production of tears are the two main causes of watery eyes.

Blocked tear ducts

The most common cause of watery eyes is blocked tear ducts below the tear sac. This symptom is often seen in adults when they suffer from some inflammation, causing a gradual narrowing of the upper end of the tear duct. Along with watery eyes, their tear sac may also get infected and develop into a sticky discharge on the eye. And sometimes a painful swelling on the side of the nose to the next eye is still possible. Due to inflammation or scarring, a less common blockage may develop within the canaliculi, or the entrance to the canaliculi in the inner corner of the eye.

And it is not uncommon for some babies to suffer from watery eyes for the reason that their newborn tear duct has not fully developed and open. But this problem can disappear within several weeks as the tear duct opens completely.

Over-production of tears

In general, over-production of tears in the eye can be the consequence of the rinsing away of irritants in human body. For example, some people are especially allergic to certain chemicals and plants such as fumes and onions which will lead to their watery eyes. Common irritants relevant to watery eyes include infective conjunctivitis, allergic conjunctivitis, eye injuries, trichiasis and ectropion.

Secondly, abnormalities of the tear film are another important reason for watery eyes. This may result in a disordered fat content of tears which would hinder the spreading of the tear film evenly across the front of the eye. And the consequent dryness may probably make the eyes water.
How to stop watery eyes?

Some simple treatments of watery eyes are using eye drops, warm compresses to the eye and other related medication. And with the improvement of medical science, most surgical treatments to watery eyes are safe, quick and effective. In order to stop watery eyes, it is also suggested that we should wash and dry our hands regularly and clean our living house so as to stop any dust and dirt getting into the eye. And we can wear sunglasses to protect our eyes from any possible allergen. All in all, to stop watery eyes we should do any protective measures by ourselves as well as some medical treatment by the doctor.