LASIK-related concerns

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LASIK has been the most popular form of laser eye surgery for many years. As an eye surgery involving precise corneal reshaping, it actually involves complex factors. It is necessary to evaluate carefully many conditions before receiving the surgery. Some of them are linked with the patient’s healthy condition and others are associated with environmental factors.

Stable corneas are a must before conducting LASIK procedure

The corneas of the patient should be stable before LASIK procedure, especially for those who have worn hard contact lenses for many years. The reason is that long-term use of contact lenses will inevitably change a wearer’s corneal shape. Discontinuing contact lens use, the corneal will gradually restore its natural shape. Permanent visual surgery can be conducted only if there are two identical prescriptions and corneal checkups.

Mixed astigmatism is harder to cure

Normal astigmatism causes irregular curvatures of the cornea. The cornea then appears in an egg shape. The two curvatures of regular astigmatism are perpendicular to each other. However, there is still another type of astigmatism named mixed astigmatism, in which the two curvatures are not perpendicular to each other. Mixed astigmatism is harder to cure and its surgical result is also more unpredictable.

Two tough eye diseases

Although it is harmless, iris coloboma in some people is a contraindication to laser vision correction surgery. The disease is usually congenital. The neurologically based disease named nystagmus is a back and forth jerkiness of the eyes, affecting visual acuity and focus ability. There are currently no effective treatments for this problem. But some eye practitioners find that contact lenses may help.

Postoperative disappointing conditions

After LASIK, the patients may need reading glasses for near vision while distance vision can be ensured by LASIK procedure. Another solution is to use monovision LASIK, in which one eye is corrected for near vision and the other for distance vision. A variety of antibiotics and steroids can be used postoperatively. But some patients may have drug allergies, which require prior consultation with the doctor.

Environmental factors hardly affect LASIK surgery

Some patients unreasonably worry about certain environmental factors when they consider LASIK treatment. It is generally needless. High altitude is not directly associated with LASIK problems. There are no age limits on refractive surgeries. But kids are usually considered unsuitable to receive a surgical eye treatment in real practice.