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Melanie gerard


How to get rid of dark circles under eyes due to allergies?

It is really ugly to suffer dark circles under eyes because of allergies. Can you tell me how to reduce it?
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Answers (3)

  • crazy_durr


    Well, yes, it is possible to have dark circles under eyes because of allergies. And there are many factors which can lead to dark circles under the eyes, such as hereditary reasons and wheat allergies. For the allergies causes, you can just try some sesame oil, which can help you to reduce the dark circles under your eyes. According to some experts, sesame oil contains a lot of nutrients such as vitamin e which are good for the dark circles under eyes. Also, some Moisturizers containing sesame, avocado oil, Vitamin E and K, can be used to lessen the appearance of dark circles. By the way, you can use bleaching cream, which contains the active ingredient hydroquinone from a doctor's prescription. Anyway, you can just have a try.
  • Robert murphy


    Yes, allergies can cause the dark circles under eyes. You need to treat the allergy and remove the allergen. Seasonal allergy problems such as the hay fever can frequently be effectively treated with over-the-counter and prescription medications. You can also talk to a dermatologist for help about what you may be allergic to. If you have gluten intolerance, you need to have blood tests performed by your doctor.
  • Brittany dale


    Yes, it is really ugly for you to suffer dark circles under eyes because of allergies. You will not feel comfortable at the eyes. You could just use the warm compress by using the clean cloth and hot water to reduce the dark circles under eyes. You could also use the oil essentials on the surface of the eyes to reduce the dark circles under eyes.