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Can i go swimming with blepharitis?

I feel so bad when suffering blepharitis. And it makes me upset. I want to go swimming to adjut my moods. Can you do it right now?
Related Topics : blepharitis eye health
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Answers (4)

  • Dennis Talley


    I have had blepharitis for 40 years. The past 10 years it has gotten severe and chronic. I do compresses twice a day for 30 minutes at a time. Use baby shampoo. Q-Tips to try and express the glands. Antibiotics every few weeks. Two summers ago I started swimming every day during the summer in my home pool (I'd think twice about a community pool), and my eyes were actually improved both summers. I think the movement of your lashes in the water, and the chlorine, and the 'washing' were healthful to my poor eyelids. My eyes are red and burning right this minute. I'm really looking forward to summer and swimming!
  • emily_109


    The best way to adjust your mood is stay at home and sleep instead of going swimming, exactly doing any exercises. Blepharitis is due to bacteria and virtus. Swimming pool can hold more than one hundred people once so that it is the best place for bacteria and virtus to live and spread. If you go swimming, the only thing you do is to worsen your condition. After swimming, you may feel burning, pain and redness in eyes. Even you may suffer sensitive to light and hot wind, crust of the eyelashes and dry eyes. Unfortunately, blepharitis cannot be cured, it only can be healed and controlled. You can use a clean, warm and wet cloth to clean your eyelids everyday, don't use the same place to do so twice. You also can use some baby shampoo with wet and warm cloth to place on your closed eyes for five minutes. However, go to see a doctor is your best choice.
  • handsomemansclu


    I don't think it is a good idea to swim during the blepharitis period. First of all, I think it is necessary to introduce blepharitis to you. Blepharitis is the inflammation of clogged glands in eyelids caused by acute infection, normally bacterial infection. The oil builds up in the blocked gland and forms a big bump at eyelashes margin. It is important to keep eyelids clean. If you went swimming, it is very likely to worsen your eye infection, because the water in pool is full of bacteria and virus. Besides, there is much sanitizing compound in water which might stimulate your brittle eyes. Thirdly, blepharitis is caused by bacterial infection, so you might spread the bacteria to many other people in the pool. You should stay at home and apply some heat compress to speed up the recovery.
  • walker67


    The answer is absolutely no. You can not go swimming with blepharitis in consideration of your health. Blepharitis is the inflammation of clogged glands in eyelids caused by acute infection, normally bacterial infection. Hence, the most important thing to relief the symptom is prevent your eyes far away from bacteria and virtus as far as possible. On the contrary, swimming pool is a public place which hold several hundred people at least per day, there are so many people that it is the best place for bacteria and virtus to live and spread. If you go swimming, the only thing you do is to worsen your condition, due to the water in pool is full of bacteria and virus. What's worse, blepharitis is caused by bacterial infection, you may even spread the bacteria to many other people in the pool. Therefore, you'd better not go to swimming until restored to health for the sake of you and others as well.

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