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Are there any good eye exercises for diplopia double vision?

I am here just for asking some ideas on good eye exercises for diplopia double vision? Any suggestions? Pleases help!
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Answers (2)

  • colors8282


    In order to cure the double vision, you'd better not make your blood pressure go high. Just calm yourself down. Then eat more food with vitamin C to moisture your eyes. About the eye exercises, you could do the eye healthy exercises every day after the use of the computers or watching tv.
  • erraticgothles


    How to treat the diplopia double vision, there has some reason to cause the disease. We must find the pathogen, and then we can take action to treat it. Most of them are caused by the eye muscle weakness or paralysis, and the eye muscle will be controlled by cranial nerves, so the disease of nerves and the brain itself will cause this kind of disease. There are four ways to treat the disease, 1. Wearing glasses for the shallow eye position deflect. 2. Cure the muscle weakness. 3. Lesion of cranial nerves, this one need medicine care or surgery helps. 4. Eye muscle surgery to rectify strabismus. From the above says, we could find only eye exercises may not enough for one to cure the diplopia double vision. You need suit the remedy to the case.

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